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Prayer Ministry

The needs of the people are brought before the body during services. We also list prayer requests in our weekly bulletin. Additionally, any time there is an urgent need, the prayer line is activated to call on the name of the Lord for an answer.

Women's Ministry

The women’s group meets monthly in a relaxed and informal setting. Women of all ages fellowship together and are ministered to. A relevant topic offers practical advice and a spiritual application.

Men's Ministry

The men's group meets monthly in a relaxed and informal setting. Men of all ages fellowship over breakfast and gain spiritual knowledge through pertinent ministry topics. 

Children's Ministry

IBC places a premium on ministering to our kids. At kids on track

(ages 7-12) and sprouts (ages 3-6) children have fun while learning important lessons about faith, morality, and making right choices, all in a safe and protective environment. Our nursery provides a warm, calm, and loving place for little ones under the age of 3. Parents are welcome to leave them or just to take them for a few minutes. 

Youth / Young Adult Ministry

Teenagers are faced with many challenges as they prepare for adulthood. That is why IBC offers a relevant program for their spiritual and social development through the youth group. We work hard to help our young people mature in their walk with the Lord and encourage them to share the love of God they have with those around them.

Sunday School

Sunday School is an excellent way to get “plugged in” at IBC. This is the place to develop friendships that will last a lifetime. Classes are organized for fellowship, caring and fun. We study the Word of God with a strong emphasis on application and accountability. With a class for each age group, it is a learning and fellowship time for everyone in your family.

Wednesday Night Bible Study

Wednesday evening is the time to join together to study God’s Word taught by Bible scholars. The topics are varied and last from 4 to 10 weeks.

His Provision Food Pantry

His provision food pantry helps our neighbors in need by providing food assistance. Pantry is open the third thursday of every month.

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